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List of group theory topics

This page collects all articles on group theory, to provide an overview of the topic and to allow those interested to use the "Related changes" feature to keep abreast of edits in this area.

This order is by no means ideal; but it may help to provide some framework for a re-editing of the main topic. Nor are the entries below considered a definitive set of topics; rather they reflect the current state of group theory articles on Wikipedia. Feel free to add or subtract from this list as appropriate.

Table of contents
1 History, major contributors
2 Famous problems
3 Applications
4 Definitions in common with other mathematical ideas
5 Mathematical objects which have (or make use of) a group operation
6 Category theory etc.
7 Abstract algebra
8 Other mathematical disciplines which make great use of groups
9 Basic properties of groups and subgroups
10 Group homomorphisms
11 Basic group structures and operations
12 Basic building block of groups, and classifications
13 Understanding groups as permutation groups

History, major contributors

Famous problems


Definitions in common with other mathematical ideas

Mathematical objects which have (or make use of) a group operation

Category theory etc.

Abstract algebra

Other mathematical disciplines which make great use of groups

Basic properties of groups and subgroups

Group homomorphisms

Basic group structures and operations

Basic building block of groups, and classifications

Simple groups and their classification

Simple group
  • Symmetric group
  • Alternating group
  • General linear group
  • Special linear group
  • Janko group
  • Conway group
  • Monster group
  • Bimonster
  • Lie group
  • Algebraic group
  • Chevalley group

  • Understanding groups as permutation groups