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Governor-General in the Swedish Realm

A Governor-General, or Generalguvernör, was appointed appointed by the Swedish monarch as a form of viceroy, with both civil and military jurisdiction, over parts of the Swedish Realm, from the 17th century to the early 19th century, when constitutional changes made the office obsolete. A Governor-General was always appointed as the highest representative of the Swedish monarch in the Dominions ruled, or the Possessions governed, by Sweden. Conquered, and unintegrated, territories were apart from this, more or less allowed to retain their internal political structure.

Governors-General could also be appointed, over parts of Sweden Proper, todays Sweden and Finland, and usually consisting of several Counties in that part of the country, when circumstances so required. When this happened the Royal Governor of each county would report to the Governor-General instead of directly to the Monarch or the Privy Council. A Royal Governor, regardless if whether under a General-Governor or not, held the civil, but not the military, jurisdiction over his county. The Governors-General were always members of the Privy Council.

The list of Governors-General is not complete.

Table of contents
1 Finland
2 Ingria
3 Estonia
4 Livonia
5 Scania
6 Prussia
7 Pomerania
8 Bremen-Verden
9 See also


List of Governors-General of Finland:


List of Governors-General of


List of Governors-General of Estonia:


List of Governors-General of


List of Governors-General of


List of Governors-General of


List of Governors-General of


List of Governors-General of Bremen-Verden:

See also