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Imperial Circle Estates

In 1495, the Holy Roman Empire was divided into Imperial Circles (in German: Reichskreise). This act was part of the Reichsreform (Imperial Reform) concluded at the Reichstag at Worms.

Initially, there were six Reichskreise; the number was raised to ten in 1512.

Each circle was organized so that the states in a different region of the Empire would be able to organize a common defense. The Imperial Circle Estates (Reichskreisstandschaft) were the assemblies of each Circle. This article will attempt to list the various states represented in each Imperial Circle Estate.

As of 1792, the Empire was divided into ten circles - Austrian, Bavarian, Burgundian, Franconian, Electoral Rhenish, Lower Rhenish-Westphalian, Lower Saxon, Upper Rhenish, Upper Saxon, and Swabian. However, some areas that were considered to be, at least theoretically, part of the empire - including the crownlands of Bohemia (Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia), and Northern Italy, were not included in any circle. The Imperial Knights, also, were not included in any of the Circle Estates, nor were certain other territories. Names in parentheses indicate the owner of these territories, as many different territorial units were frequently ruled by the same prince

Table of contents
1 Austrian Circle
2 Bavarian Circle
3 Burgundian Circle
4 Franconian Circle
5 Electoral Rhenish Circle
6 Lower Rhenish-Westphalian Circle
7 Lower Saxon Circle
8 Upper Rhenish Circle
9 Upper Saxon Circle
10 Swabian Circle

Austrian Circle

Bavarian Circle

Ecclesiastical Bench
Secular Bench

Burgundian Circle

Franconian Circle

Bench of the Ecclesiastical Princes
Bench of the Secular Princes The Bench of Counts and Lords The Bench of Cities

Electoral Rhenish Circle

Lower Rhenish-Westphalian Circle

Lower Saxon Circle

Upper Rhenish Circle

Bench of the Ecclesiastical Princes
Bench of the Secular Princes The Bench of Counts and Lords Bench of Cities

Upper Saxon Circle

Swabian Circle

Bench of the Ecclesiastical Princes
Bench of the Secular Princes The Bench of Prelates The Bench of Counts and Lords The Bench of Cities