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Mori Terumoto

Mouri Terumoto (毛利 輝元 Mōri Terumoto) (January 22, 1553 - April 27, 1625) is the son of Mori Takamoto, fought against Toyotomi Hideyoshi but was eventually overcome, participated in the Kyushu campaign (1587) on Hideyoshi's side and built Hiroshima Castle.

Terumoto was one of the five Tairo appointed by Hideyoshi.

At the height of his power, Terumoto controlled 1.2 million koku.

Side against Tokugawa Ieysasu but was not present at the Battle of Sekigahara. Terumoto was in Osaka Castle at the time and surrendered to Ieyasu soon after Sekigahara. Ieyasu reduced Terumoto's domains, leaving him only Nagato and Suo provinces, worth 369,000 koku total.

The article is originally from OpenHistory.