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Game classification

Games may be classified and sub-classified according to many different criteria. Each scheme has its own advantages and disadvantages. The categories on the main game page is rather a hodge-podge, and might benefit from some rationalization. However, before undertaking to refactor the game pages, please give thought to all of the following distinctions.

This scheme is probably most natural, and quite neatly separates billiards from chess from Tomb Raider. The main disadvantage is that too many games fall under more than one head. For example Scrabble relies a great deal on word knowledge and anagramming, but also has significant strategic aspects.

This categorization is also very natural and common, but sometimes problematic. For example, Balderdash is a commercial board game, whereas Fictionary is almost identical but uses no board.

Something is odd with any scheme which forces such similar games to be listed under completely different headings.

Other distinctions are less important, and apply more or less well to different major headings. For example, example, the difference between team and individual sports is fundamental, whereas team board games are so rare as to hardly merit a category. The remaining distinctions apply mostly to non-physical games.