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Bush family conspiracy theory

The neutrality of this article is disputed.

The Bush family conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory used to describe various negative theories alleging conspiracies or misdeeds involving or concerning members of the family of President George W. Bush, including the President's brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, their brother Neil Bush, their father and ex-President George H. W. Bush, grandfather Prescott Bush, and great-grandfather George Herbert Walker. Some allege criminal conspiracies involving usually United States multinational corporations and vested interests, US government organizations, and various dictators. While some attach great importance to suggested links which connect individuals and companies, others dismiss some or all of the conspiracy theories as fantasy and claim that these connections are normal for business families and do not imply wrongdoing or negative intent.

Table of contents
1 Background
2 Allegations/conspiracy theories
3 Background
4 Response to allegations
5 Further reading
6 See also
7 External links


This conspiracy theory often refers to the alleged secret organization with one of the pejorative terms: Bush League, Bush Buddies, or Texas Taliban. The first is a pun on the baseball term "bush league— minor league amateurs, or an allusion to George W. Bush's experience with the Texas Rangers baseball team. The others are alliterative.

A mixture of allegations have been made, trying to link the Bush family and their associates to various forms of intrigue or alleged wrongdoing. Many people, from a wide variety of viewpoints that range from pro-Bush, anti-Bush or neutral, consider the particular points cited by these conspiracy theorists to be paranoid and not linked to each other in a meaningful way. What many people believe or don't believe to be paranoid also depends on which specific conspiracy theory or on what specific allegations one is talking about. It should also be noted that many people are not familiar with some or all of these theories or with some or all of the allegations within them, and that therefore, they do not have an opinion as to whether these theories or allegations are paranoid or not.

Owing to the fact the Bush family has provided the last two Republican presidents, there may be a confusion of family conspiracy with what is actually normal political maneuvering by the Republican party. Additionally, members of the Bush family are politically and economically powerful, so it is natural that they have connections to other major political and business figures, some of whom have inevitably unsavory reputations.

A number of allegations have been made about different members of the Bush family at different times and so it is difficult to discuss these allegations sensibly as a whole. Listed below are assorted allegations and rebuttals, but any serious consideration of these allegations should be made on a strictly individual basis. These allegations range from ones widely regarded as specious and unsubstantiated to those which of been the subject of fierce public debate.

Allegations/conspiracy theories

The following are typical allegations made as part of or in support of the theory. These are not widely accepted or considered proven.


The following are the parts of known history which have led people (see references) to make further unproven claims (see allegations above).

Response to allegations

Critics of the theory allege that its proponents mispresent events as part of the theory.

As a result, critics of the Bush family conspiracy theory see it as a string of unconnected claims which have at most pure circumstantial evidence but which contains no hard evidence of any longterm conspiracy.

Further reading

See also

External links