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Mastermind (television)

Mastermind is one of the most highly regarded British quiz shows, well-known for its challenging questions, intimidating setting, and air of seriousness. Devised by Bill Wright, the basic format of Mastermind has never altered - four contestants face two rounds, one on a specialised subject of the contestant's choice, the other a general knowledge round. Wright drew inspiration from his experiences of interrogation in World War II.

Mastermind's ominous theme music is particularly famous - its name is Approaching Menace and it is composed by Neil Richardson.

Versions of Mastermind

Mastermind has appeared in four versions:


The highest Mastermind score is 41 points, set by Kevin Ashman in 1995.

The lowest score record of 9 points is jointly held by Armando Margiotta, Sally Copeland and a community worker from Warwickshire who wishes to remain anonymous.

Perhaps the most famous Mastermind winner was garrulous London taxi driver Fred Housego, who won in 1980.