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List of British Columbia provincial highways

Highway listings of British Columbia can be found right here: There were 400-series highways but they were downgraded and replaced by alternate routes. Provincial numbers 93-101 are counterparts of US numbers.

Table of contents
1 Existing Routes
2 Secondary Highways
3 Defunct Routes

Existing Routes

Highways 1, 2, 3, 7 in NW BC are completely part of the Yukon territorial highway system, and are not listed here or designated as a BC highway.

Secondary Highways

Defunct Routes

The original 400-series highways in B.C. was like the one in Ontario. Later in the 1970s, the 400-series highways were no longer designated. The designation is with the letter A. Other regional (state/provincial) highway systems doesn't use such #00 series highways with some exceptions.

See also: List of Canadian highways by province