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A landform comprises a geomorphological unit. The highest order landforms are oceans and continents. Landforms can be created by a number of factors, ranging from plate tectonics to erosion and deposition. They may also be influenced by biological factors, for example the role of plants in the development of dune systems and salt marshes and corals and algae in the formation of coral reefs.

See also: geomorphology, topography, physical geography, earth science.

Table of contents
1 List of landforms

List of landforms

Slope landforms

Coastal and Oceanic landforms

Fluvial landforms

Mountain & Glacial landforms

Volcanic Landforms

Also: Erosion Landform - landforms produced by erosion (usually coastal or fluvial). Deposition Landform -- landforms produced by deposition of load or sediment (usually coastal or fluvial). Eolian Landform - landforms produced by wind weathering.