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Irregular verb

In contrast to regular verbs, irregular verbs are those verbs that fall outside the standard patterns of conjugation in the languages in which they occur. They mostly exist as remnants of historical spellings and conjugations.

English Irregular verbs

The irregularity of English verbs refers to its inconsistency in forming predictable past participles and/or past tenses. For all irregular verbs beside to be, other conjunctions and inflections follow the same rules of spelling as the regular verbs.

English irregular verbs are native; they originate in Old English. In contrast, loanwords are regular. However, not all native English verbs are irregular.

There are about 250 irregular English verbs, and they can be classified in a number of different ways:

There are fewer strong verbs and irregular verbs in modern English than there were in Old English. The force of analogy tends to reduce the number of irregular verbs over time. On the other hand, contraction and sound changes can increase their number. Most of the strong verbs were regular, in that they fell into a conventional plan of conjugation, in Old English; there are so few of them left in contemporary English that they seem irregular to us.

Common irregularities include:

List of irregular English verbs:

The present tense comes first, next the preterite, and the past participle comes last:

See also : Wiktionary list of irregular verbs.