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Hanoi Jane

Hanoi Jane was a nickname given to actress Jane Fonda when she visited North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The nickname is critical of this action, comparing her to Tokyo Rose.

In 1972, Jane Fonda traveled to Vietnam to campaign against the American action in Vietnam and on the side of the Viet Cong. Although the war was largely protested at home by this time, and many Americans were against the war, her actions were largely considered to be over the top. Her acting career suffered until her reinvention in the 1980s.

Once Jane Fonda was honored by Barbara Walters in 1999 as one of the 100 great women of the century, sentiment regarding Fonda's actions in Vietnam were rekindled. After this time it was widely rumored that while in Vietnam, Jane Fonda reportedly met with a group of American soldiers. While doing this, she shook hands with the soldiers and taunted them. At this time they each handed her slips of paper with their ID, etc. After this, Fonda turned them over to the Viet Cong. This story was proven factless but still circulates the internet.

Fonda misrepresented the treatment of United States Prisoners of War (POWs), taunted them and campaigned on the side of the Viet Cong. Many US soldiers were beaten for refusing to meet with or cooperate with Fonda. Fonda posed for a picture at an anti-aircraft battery and participated in several radio broadcasts.

In 1988, Fonda appologized for her actions to the American POWs and their families. Fonda continues to participate in her peace activism including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

