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Group object

In mathematics, group objects are certain generalizations of groups which are built on more complicated structures than sets. A typical example of a group object is a topological group, a group whose underlying set is a topological space such that the group operations are continuous.

Table of contents
1 Definition
2 Examples
3 Group theory generalized


Formally, we start with a category C which has a terminal object 1 and in which any two objects have a product. A group object in C is an object G of C together with morphisms

such that the following properties (modeled on the group axioms) are satisfied


Group theory generalized

Much of group theory can be formulated in the context of the more general group objects. The notions of group homomorphism, subgroup, normal subgroup and the isomorphism theorems are typical examples. However, results of group theory that talk about individual elements, or the order of specific elements or subgroups, normally cannot be generalized to group objects in a straight-forward manner.