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Arahata Kanson

Arahata Kanson a.k.a. Arahata Katsuzo (1887 to 1981) participated in many of the socialist movements in his career. He started as a socialist, became an syndico-anarchist and eventually a communist and ended up serving in the Diet as a representative of the postwar Japan Socialist Party.

Arahata was from Yokohama. He joined the Heiminsha in 1904 and was among those arrested for the Red Flag Incident of 1908. Arahata published Kindai Shiso with Osugi Sakae. He was member of the first Central Committee of the Japan Communist Party and belonged to the Rono Faction. He was on the Central Executive Committee of the Japan Socialist Party from 1946 to 1948 and served in the Diet from 1946 to 1949 and spent his time after that writing.

The article is originally from OpenHistory.