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Xu Wei

Xú Wèi (徐渭) (1521 - 1593) was Ming Chinese painter famed for his rapid and expressive strokes who attempted to suicide nine times and murder, and eventually died of poverty. Born in Shanying District (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province), Xu was raised by a single mother who died when he was 14. At 21, he married Pan-shi (潘氏), who died after five years. Xu attempted the civil service examinations eight times and all failed. Nevertheless, Xu was employed by Hu Zongxian (胡宗憲).

After Hu was arrested for being related to Yan Song and suicided, Xu also attempted to suicide, nine times, such as by axing himself in the skull, and drilling both of his ears. He also became paranoid of his wife Zhang-shi (張氏) having an affair, so tried to kill her. For his attempted murder, he was jailed for seven years until his Hanlin Imperial Academy friend Zhang Yuanbian (張元忭) managed to get him out at the age of 53.

He spent the rest of his life painting, but had little financial success. However, his paintings are highly sought after in modern day.

In addition to being a painter, Xu was a relatively unknown playwright. He wrote the following plays.