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TWiki is a WikiWiki clone developed from JOS Wiki. The first version was released in July 1998 by Peter Thoeny. It is written in Perl, released under the GPL, and is one of the most feature rich Wikis.

Designed for corporate intranet systems it includes a number of collaborative features not present in other WikiWiki clones, including revision tracking to see the history of all changes to a page, as well as subdividing a Wiki into 'webs' with their own name space.

TWiki also enables simple form-based web applications, without programming, and granular access control (though it can also operate in classic 'no authentication' mode). Other enhancements include configuration variables, embedded searches, server side includes, file attachments and a plugin API that has spawned over 100 plugins to link into databases, create charts, sort tables, write spreadsheets, make drawings, track Extreme Programming projects and so on.

TWiki is fully skinnable and can be used to create modern looking Wiki sites, despite the rather plain default look and feel. It includes reasonably good support for Internationalization ('I18N'), with support for UTF-8 on the way.

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_these seems to be reasonably complete summary, covering the bases. is it really still a stub?_