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The Flag Song

The Flag Song (國旗歌; gúo qí gē) of the Republic of China is played during the raising and lowering of the Flag of the Republic of China. Due to pressure from the People's Republic of China over the political status of Taiwan, this song is played in place of the ROC national anthem at international events such as the Olympics. Nonetheless, this song is more popular than the national anthem, in part because it is less partisan in nature (since the national anthem is also the KMT party song).

Chinese lyrics

山川壯麗 , 物產豐隆 , 炎黃世冑 , 東亞稱雄;
毋自暴自棄 , 毋故步自封 , 光我民族 , 促進大同。
創業維艱 , 緬懷諸先烈 , 守成不易 , 莫徒務近功。
同心同德 , 貫徹始終 , 青天白日滿地紅;
同心同德 , 貫徹始終 , 青天白日滿地紅!

Hanyu Pinyin

shān chūan zhùang lì, wù chăn fēng lóng,
yán húang shì zhòu, dōng yà chén xíong.
wú zì bào zì qì, wú gù bù zì fēng,
gūang wŏ mín zú, cù jìn dà tóng.
chùang yè wéi jīan, mĭan húai zhū xīan lìe,
shŏu chéng bù yì, mò tú wù jìn gōng.
tóng xīn tóng dé, gùan chè shĭ zhōng, qīng tīan bái rì măn dì hóng;
tóng xīn tóng dé, gùan chè shĭ zhōng, qīng tīan bái rì măn dì hóng!