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In the fictional universe of J. R. R. Tolkien, Tar-Palantir was the 24th ruler of Númenor. He attempted to return his people to the ways of the Valar and the Elves, but his younger brother, Gimilkhâd, and Gimilkhâd's son Ar-Pharazôn opposed his policies. His father Ar-Gimilzôr, whom he succeeded, was an opponent of the Valar and the Elves, but Ar-Gimilzôr's Queen, Inzilbêth, taught her son Tar-Palantir to be an Elf-Friend. The Adunaic version of his name was Ar-Inziladun.

Preceded by:
List of rulers of Númenor Succeeded by:

Tar-Palantir's daughter, Míriel, would have followed his policies, but her rightful place as Queen of Númenor was usurped by her husband, Ar-Pharazôn.