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Social hierarchy

Social Hierarchy is a phrase used to describe the pyramid-like distribution of political power, wealth, and/or social status among people within a group, usually a country.

Table of contents
1 Distribution of Political Power
2 Distribution of Wealth
3 Social Status

Distribution of Political Power

Here are some simplified examples of how political influence is distributed in some well known political systems:

Most political systems exist as a more complex mix of the systems described above (see confederacy, the Magna Carta, and direct democracy for some good examples of this). Political power can only exist if it is either enforced or mutually respected.

Distribution of Wealth

Distribution of wealth exists in a spectum between capitalism (in which wealth is concentrated in capitalists, or those who own the land and means of production), socialism (in which wealth is distributed according to one's contribution to society), and communism (in which wealth is distributed according to necesity).

People with much control of wealth include professionals, government officials, realators and rentors, and capitalists.

People with little control of wealth include unskilled workers, the unemployed, and many small-scale farmers who must rent land.

Social Status

Social status is one's overall ability to control others. Social status is power accorded by religious and secular titles, ranks, charisma, and one's reputation.