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Seymour Melman

Seymour Melman (born December 30, 1917 in New York City) is a professor emeritus of Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science[1] who has written extensively for fifty years on "economic conversion": the ordered transition from military to civilian production by military industries and facilities.

Table of contents
1 Education
2 Books
3 Quote
4 External Links
5 Other Articles


He studied and the De Witt Clinton High School in the Bronx and took his undergraduate degree in the College of the City of New York in 1939. After graduation he received a travel fellowship and spent 1939-40 travelling Palestine and Europe. Upon returning to the United States he served for two years as the secretary of the Student Zionist Federation. Soon after the attack on Pearl Harbor he served in the US Army as a First Lieutenant in the Coast Artillery Corp. Afterwards he served on the National Industrial Conference Board. He became a graduate student at Columbia University in January, 1945 and received his PhD in June, 1949.

Melman is the former President of the Association for Evolutionary Economics, Vice President of the New York Academy of Sciences, co-chair of SANE (Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy), chair of The National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament, and currently a participant in the Reindustrialization of the United States Project.

In 1976 SANE's New York City) conference on "The Arms Race and the Economic Crisis" featured Melman, and won an economic conversion plank in the Democratic party platform.



"The joy of accomplishing production. It’s a great thing. The work I’ve been doing now for some time is writing an article, writing a book, or researching something. It’s an accomplishment. It’s a great thing. No, more exactly, it’s living. It’s being alive. To be productive is to be alive."

External Links

Other Articles

"The Economics of War and Peace (Interview with Seymour Melman.)"
Village Voice, April 26, 1983