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Sesshomaru is a character from the anime and manga series Inuyasha . He is a full demon (youkai)who feels complete contempt for human life. He especially hates Inuyasha, his half-human half-brother, who currently wields the Tetsusaiga a sword made from their father's fang that can kill 100 demons in one strike. Sesshomaru does have Tenseiga, another sword made from his father's fang; however, the Tenseiga, which can bring 100 people back to life with a single swing, is incapable of harming an opponent, so Sesshomaru desires the power that the Tetsusaiga holds. He eventually uses the power of Tenseiga to ressurect the head of Goshinki so that Kajin-bo could forge the evil blade Toukijin from his fangs. In one of the earlier episodes Sesshomaru has his left arm severed off by the Tetsusaiga and so he is always looking for a replacement.

He is followed by his minion, a demon named Jaken, and by a human orphan named Rin.

Voice Actor:

Japanese Seiyuu: Ken Narita
English Voice Actor: David Kaye

Sesshomaru's attacks and abilities: