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S-IVB (rocket stage)

The S-IVB was a Saturn rocket stage.

It was used as the third stage of the Saturn V rocket and the second stage of the Saturn IB rocket.

A derivative of the S-IV, the S-IVB had one J-2 engine which produced a thrust of 200,000 lbs.

The S-IVB carried 72,700 liters (20,000 gallons) of LOX and 229,000 liters (63,000 gallons) of LH2.

An un-used S-IVB provided the hull for Skylab, the United State's first space station.

The S-IVB was built by Douglas Aircraft Company.

During Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17, the S-IVB was crashed into the Moon in order to perform seismic measurement used for characterizing the lunar core.

Three versions of the SIV/SIVB