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Peppy Hare

Peppy Hare is a fictional character from the Star Fox universe, or the Lylat System. He is one of the original members of the Star Fox team. He is the oldest and longest time Star Fox member. He is color-coded in red in Star Fox 64. James McCloud was captured by Andross, and Pigma Dengar betrayed the team. After the investigation, Peppy narrowly escaped Venom, and inform Fox McCloud about his father's destiny. He decided to stay with the Star Fox when Fox McCloud became the team's leader. In Star Fox Adventures, he studied about the Fox's mission, the locations in Dinosaur Planet, and the ancient records of the planet. He displays the descriptions of the locations and their maps. At the end of Star Fox Adventures, Peppy showed Fox a message from Krystal, and shortly thereafter, Krystal said "That's to say thank you", and reunited herself with Fox. After Star Fox Adventures, the Star Fox team repaired the Great Fox.