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Pathological science

Pathological science is a term created by the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Irving Langmuir during a colloquium at The Knolls Research Laboratory, December 18, 1953. Some scientists use the term to imply scientific misconduct on part of other researchers. Critics argue that the term lacks justification for describing many scientific studies. ‘Pathological science’ label is given to most revolutionary discoveries, according to critics of the term. Critics also urge others to abandon the phrase.

Pathological science designates a psychological process in which a scientist, originally conforming to scientific method, unconsciously veers from that method, and begins a pathological process of wishful data interpretation. Criteria for pathological science are:

Possible examples of Pathological science are Chemistry's N rays, Electrochemistry's cold fusion, Chemistry's polywater theory, and Medicine's Homeopathy

Mainstream sciences have failed historically to approve of certian sciences till years later and inappropriately label them as "pathological". Examples of sciences that have been misappropriately described as pathological sciences:

See also:

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