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Park Guell

The entrance to the park

Parc Güell is a garden complex with architectural elements situated on the hill of El Carmel in the Gràcia district of Barcelona. It was designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and built in the years 1900 to 1914. It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Park was originally part of a commercially unsuccessful housing site. It has been converted into a municipal garden. It can be reached by underground, although the stations are at a certain distance, by the regular buses, or best by the tourist buses.

The design of the Park is clearly the work of an architect and Gaudí's unique style is also easily distinguishable. Wavy, lava-like shapes, at places tree-like or in form of Doric columns or stalactites, all lavishly decorated with ornaments of broken ceramic fragments.

The Gaudí style is evident in the
supporting columns of the walkway above.

Although it sounds unlikely, the place is skillfully designed and composed to bring the peace and calm that one would expect from a park. The buildings, though very original and remarkable, are relatively (remembering other Gaudí buildings) inconspicuous. They have fantastically shaped roofs with unusual pinnacles. The focal point of the park is the main terrace, surrounded by a long bench in the form of a sea serpent.

One corner of the main terrace
The mediterranean sea is in the background