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Orlando Furioso

Orlando Furioso is a long poem written by Ludovico Ariosto in 1516.

It was a "gionta", a continuation of Orlando Innamorato, by Matteo Maria Boiardo, but it remains quite distant from the other work, of which it does not preserve the humanistic concepts of knight errantry. Entering the Cinquecento, the 16th century, it contains instead only an appearance of those themes, at an only superficial level. Of its time, the Orlando shows more clearly the so-called "culture of the contradiction", which was also in Erasmus and in Rabelais.

Hegel would have later considered that the many allegories and metaphors contained, are intended to demonstrate the fallacy of human senses and judgement, rather than simply to put aside the myth of chivalry.

The work was written in Ferrarese, the dialect used in Ferrara, then it was translated into literarian Tuscan to be better readable in the rest of Italy. It was the first novel to be written with attention to a possible wide distribution by means of Johann Gutenberg's brand-new invention, the printing press.

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