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Olive Warbler

Olive Warbler
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Scientific classification
Phylum: Chordata
Genus: Peucedramus
Species: flaveola
Binomial name
Peucedramus taeniatus

The Olive Warbler, Peucedramus taeniatus , is a small passerine bird, the only member of the family Peucedramidae.

This species breeds from Arizona, USA, south through Mexico to Nicaragua. It was in the past classed with the Parulidae wood warblers, but DNA studies suggest that it split early from the other passerines, prior to the differentiation of the entire wood warbler/American sparrow/icterid group. it is therefore given a family of its own.

Olive warbler is a long-winged bird. It has a grey body with some olive-green on the wings and two white wing bars. The male's head and breast are orange, and there is a black patch through the eye. In the female and juvenile, the orange is replaced by yellow, and the black mask is more diffuse. the song consists of clear whistles.

It is a non-migratory insectivorous species of coniferous forests. It lays 3-4 eggs in a tree nest.