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Null result

Generally, a null result is the consequence of an analysis or experiment that does not detect a proposition or principle original to the analysis or experiment. In science, it can be a result that shows none of the data which would have been expected. It is a value of testable information. It is literally a product of an investigation that is a quantity of no importance.

Table of contents
1 Statistics
2 Computer science
3 Physics
4 Logic
5 Latin
6 Links
7 Related concepts


In statistics, specifically, a null result occurs when there are non-significant differences between experimental and control conditions. While some differences may in fact be observed, they are below the threshold set prior to testing. The cutoff for these significance values varies, but is often .05. This is considered evidence for the null hypothesis.

Computer science

In computer science and Information technology, it is a special value used in several languages to represent the thing referred to by an uninitialised pointer. A special value that represents an unknown, missing, not applicable, or undefined value. Nulls are treated completely differently depending on the language or program. It's the empty set of information for recall in arrays.


In physics, the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment, which did not detect the aether, was of this type. This experiment's famous failed detection, commonly referred to as the null result, caused the aether theory to be abandoned. Shortly after was formed the basis of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, in which the aether was not included.


In Logic, it is not a valid data value in an equation of thought. It is one of the possibilities in a three-valued logic (True, False, or Null result).


From the latin terms 'nullus resultarum' which means, "none as a consequence". In Law, it can mean something lacking any legal or binding force.


Related concepts

Null hypothesis, Three-valued logic