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Mount Chimborazo

Mount Chimborazo is an extinct volcano located in the Andes mountains of central Ecuador.

Elevation:6,310 meters / 20,702 feet †
Latitude: 01° 28′ S
Longitude:78° 48′ W
Range: Andes
Topo map: unknown
First ascent:1880 by Edward Whymper guided by J. and L. Carrel.

Elevation may not be correct.

The mountain's claim to fame relies on a peculiarity of the Earth's circumference at the equator. Since the Earth bulges at the equator and Mt. Chimborazo is just one degree south, this means the summit of Mt. Chimborazo is the furthest point from the center of the Earth. However, since the elevation of mountains are given in relation to mean sea level, Mount Everest (8,850m/29,035') is given the glory of highest point on Earth.

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