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Koch Industries

Koch Industries, based in Wichita, Kansas, has an annual turnover of ~$3535,000,000,000 (2002). The corporation was formed in 1946 by Fred Koch and is involved with a number of products, such as: asphalt, fertilizers, fibers, minerals, natural gas, petroleum, plastics, ranching, and securities. Koch Industries is now under the joint administration of Charles and David H. Koch. The Koch brothers also operate the Koch Family Foundations, a major source of funding for conservative political causes the United States, including think tanks such as Citizens for a Sound Economy and the libertarian Cato Institute.

Table of contents
1 Criticism
2 References
3 External Link


In 1989, the US Senate Committee on Investigations stated, "Koch Oil, a subsidiary of Koch Industries, is the most dramatic example of an oil company stealing by deliberate mismeasurement and fraudulent reporting." (Palast p.150) During the Clinton administration, Koch was charged with 315 acts of pollution. Koch Industries denies the allegations.


External Link