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Kings Cross (London)

Kings Cross is an area in the London Borough of Camden in the north of central London, England. The area was previously a village known as Battle Bridge, which referred to a bridge also known as Broad Ford Bridge, which was an ancient crossing of the River Fleet. The bridge was said to be the site of a major battle between the Romans and the Iceni tribe led by Boadicea. In 1835 a monument was built to King George IV at the junction of Gray's Inn Road, Pentonville Road, and New Road, which later became Euston Road. The monument wasn't very popular and was taken down 10 years later, though the area has kept the name of Kings Cross. Kings Cross station now stands at the junction where the cross stood.

The area has extensive construction sites with development of Channel Tunnel link into St Pancras station. The construction due for completion in 2005 and has led to the demolishing of several buildings, including the Gasworks. Built in the 1860s and rebuilt in the 1880s was still in use until 1999. Several gaswork tanks that had dominated the area behind station for over a century are to be pulled down.

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