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King You of Zhou

King You of Zhou (before 781 BC - 771 BC) (ch 周幽王 zhōu yōu wáng) was the twelfth sovereign of the Chinese Zhou Dynasty and the last of Western Zhou Dynasty.

Personal information

family name Ji (姬 jī) in Chinese
given name Gongsheng (宮湦 gōng shēng) in Chinese
era name none
father King Xuan of Zhou
mother unknown
wives 1)Queen Shen, daughter of Marquess of Shen
2)concubine Baosi
children King Ping of Zhou from Queen Shen and prince Bofu from Baosi
duration of reign 781 BC-771 BC
tomb unknown
temple name unknown
courtesy name unknown
posthumous name You 幽 (pinyin yōu), literary meaning: "serene"

Preceded by:
King Xuan of Zhou
Zhou Dynasty Succeeded by:
King Ping of Zhou