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Julie Scott

Julie Scott, S.R.C., M.A. (St. Louis, Missouri, August 24, 1958 - ), is the Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge for the Americas of AMORC.

Other positions she holds, apart from Grand Master, are:

Julie moved to San Jose, California in 1995 in order to serve as the Director of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum.

Soror Scott holds a Master of Arts degree in Cultural Anthropology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

She has an interest in history, especially ancient Egyptian history. She is also interested in sustainable business practices. In her free time she enjoys spending time in nature, like every true Rosicrucian should do, including long walks on the beach and through forests.

See also

External links

Note: Soror and SRC are Rosicrucian titles.