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John Taylor (1770-1832)

John Taylor was the Democratic-Republican governor of South Carolina from 1826 to 1828.

He was born May 4, 1770 in Granby, South Carolina, and was related to two US Presidents: James Madison and Zachary Taylor. He graduated in 1790 from Princeton College and became a lawyer.

He then served in the South Carolina House of Representatives from 1793 to 1802 and again from 1804 to 1805.

He was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1807, and served there until he became a US Senator in 1810.  He left federal service in 1816 and returned to his home state to become a South Carolina state senator from 1818 to 1826. 

He was finally elected to state governor in 1826. His term in office was primarily known for rallying the state to oppose federal tariffs.

He died February 23, 1832 in Camden, South Carolina.