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Johann Homann

Johann Baptist Homann ( 1664 - 1724 ) of Nuremberg,Germany was a geographer and cartographer , who was instrumental in making maps of America to show to Europeans, and in turn bringing Europeans to see America.

In 1715 Homann was appointed Imperial Geographer .

A sample of an imperial privilege is e.g. cum privilegio Sacrae Caesareae Majestatis.

Giving privileges to individuals was an added right that the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire enjoyed. Of particular significance to cartography were the imperial printing privileges (Latin privilegia impressoria). These protected for a time the authors in all scientific fields such as printers, copper engravers, map makers, publishers. They were also very important as recommendation for a potential customer.

In 1716 Homann published his master piece " Grosser Atlas ueber die ganze Welt" (Grand Atlas of all the World).