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Jewish Council for Public Affairs

Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) is self described as "the representative voice of the organized American Jewish community". It formulates a pro-Israel policy that all major organizations can accept, so as to avoid contradictory public statements that would weaken the strength of the pro-Israel position in America. JCPA also adopts broad platforms on other issues such as interreligious and interracial relations.

In general, JCPA adopts a framework, while AIPAC does the actual lobbying in congress. The Presidents' Conference occasionally makes statements concerning central, and primarily Israel related, topics. Further, the ADL is another organization that is closely related.

Prior to 1997, the JCPA was called NJCRAC (National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council), and often pronounced "nacrac".

See also: AIPAC, Presidents' Conference, ADL