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Honoré Jackson

William Henry Jackson, also known as Honoré Jackson or Jaxon (May 13, 1861 - January 10, 1952) was a leader of the North-West Rebellion in Canada in 1885.

He was born in Wingham, Ontario to a Methodist family and attended the University of Toronto. In 1881 he moved to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan (then part of the Northwest Territories), where he soon began to sympathize with the Métis and their struggle against the Canadian government, though he was not a Métis himself. Jackson became personal secretary to Louis Riel when Riel returned to Canada in 1884, and the two began to organize a Métis militia and provisional government.

Jackson was captured by the Canadian militia during the Rebellion on May 12, 1885,. He was tried and convicted of treason, and sentenced to an insane asylum in Fort Garry, now Winnipeg, Manitoba. However, on November 2, he escaped the asylum and fled to the United States. There, he changed his name to Honoré Jaxon and joined the labour union movement in Chicago. In 1894 he was part of Coxey's Army, which marched to Washington, DC to demand an eight-hour workday. In 1897 he converted to the Baha'i Faith.

He returned to Canada briefly in 1907 but soon returned to the United States, eventually moving to New York City. He collected books, newspapers, and pamphlets relating to the Métis people in an attempt to establish in their honour a museum in New York. However, on December 13, 1951, he was evicted from his apartment, and his collection (considered unimportant by the city) was sent to the garbage dump. He died a month later.