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Emperor Mu of Jin China

zh-cn:晋穆帝 zh-tw:晉穆帝

Format of naming convention in English is under discussion at Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (Chinese) and Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (Chinese)/monarchical titles.

Emperor Mu of Jin China (342 or 343-July 10, 361) was an emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (265-420).

Table of contents
1 Various character and romanization representations
2 Timeline
3 Personal information

Various character and romanization representations


Personal information

Family name Sima (司馬 py. Sīmǎ) in Chinese
Given name Dan (聃 py. dān)
Era names Yonghe (永和 py. Yǒnghé) February 21 345-February 5, 357
Shengping (升平 py. Shēngpíng) February 6, 357-July 10 361
Father Emperor Kang
Wife (née) He Fani (何法倪) (338 or 339-September 13 404), childless and revered Queen Xian (章皇后, literary meaning: the methodical queen)
Major concubines
Duration of reign November 18, 344-July 10, 361
Tomb Yongping Tomb ch. 永平陵, believed to be near Nanjing
Temple name 孝宗, py. Xiàozōng, literary meaning: "filial ancestor"
Courtesy name 彭子, py. Péngzǐ
Posthumous name 穆, py. Mù, literary meaning: "majestic"

Preceded by:
Emperor Kang
Jin Dynasty (265-420) Succeeded by:
Emperor Ai