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Earthly Branches

The Earthly Branches (地支 Pinyin: Dìzhī) is an ancient Chinese numeral system now uncommon, except when used in conjunction with the Heavenly Stems in traditional calendar and Taoism. There are twelve phonetic characterss in the system, each corresponding to an animal of the Chinese zodiac and a respective Chinese hour (modern day 2-hours):

  1. Zǐ (子): 11 PM - 1 AM ("Rat" hour)
  2. Chǒu (丑): 1 - 3 ("Ox" hour)
  3. Yín (寅): 3 - 5 ("Tiger" hour)
  4. Mǎo (卯): 5 - 7 ("Rabbit" hour)
  5. Chén (辰): 7 - 9 ("Dragon" hour)
  6. Sì (巳): 9 - 11 ("Snake" hour)
  7. Wǔ (午): 11 AM - 1 PM ("Horse" hour)
  8. Wèi (未): 1 - 3 ("Sheep" hour)
  9. Shēn (申): 3 - 5 ("Monkey" hour)
  10. Yǒu (酉): 5 - 7 ("Rooster" hour)
  11. Xū (戌): 7 - 9 ("Dog" hour)
  12. Hài (亥): 9 - 11 ("Pig" hour)