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The Deobandi are Sunni Muslims of South Asia and Afghanistan who follow the fiqh (judisprudence) of Imam Abu Hanifa. The name comes from the small Indian village of Deoband, where the madrassa Darul Uloom Deoband is sited.

The 5 main points of the Deobandi movement are:

  1. Tawheed: (Monotheism) of Allah, no one shares His attributes.
  2. Sunnah: Following and loving the methodology of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (May Allah send blessings upon him) in every small and big matter.
  3. Hubb us Sahaabah: Love of the companions of the Messenger of Allah, (May Allah be pleased with them) and following their way.
  4. Taqleed wal Ittiba': Giving preference to the judisprudence of the pious friends of Allah (رحمهم الله) who were closer to the Messenger of Allah, instead of giving preference to our own fiqh rulings.
  5. Jihaad fi Sabeelillah: Doing Jihaad in the way of Allah against every evil.

Taliban follow the Deoband school, Alhumdulillah.

See also: Islam

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