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Danny Carey

Danny Carey is the drummer for the progressive metal band Tool who formed in 1989. He has numerous side projects, including past work in Green Jello, and his current electronica-oriented project ZAUM. In search of new techniques, Carey has studied tabla with Aloke Dutta. He also has an interest in the occult, and performs with geometric symbols on his drums. Carey's popularity among drummers and non-drummers stems from the diversity of his sound; his drum kit contains nearly thirty pieces, one of the largest drum kits in modern music. Carey toured in 2003 with his side project Pygmy Love Circus as the opening band for A Perfect Circle's 2003 club tour. Danny uses paiste cymbals, sonor drums, vic firth sticks and simmons drums.

See also Bill Bruford, Terry Bozzio, Pat Mastelloto, John Bonham.

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