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Curve (physics)

In Physics, a curve is a set of elements which are ordered (thus one-dimensional, and not self-intersecting); and with distance values measured pairwise between its elements allowing the identification of certain subsets as topological neighborhood, and of the whole curve as a connected topological space.

The elements of a curve may be ordered

Accordingly, for any two distinct elements of a curve, one can distintinguish the remaining elements into those between, and those not between the given two; and one distinguishes The connectedness of the curve is then established if for any two elements A and Q and for each element B between A and Q there exists an element N between B and Q (where A does not belong to the set between B and Q which also contains N) such that for each element P between N and Q (where B does not belong to the set between N and Q which also contains P) holds that d( P, Q ) < d( B, N ) < d( B, Q ).

In topology applicable to physics, a (simple) curve C is correspondigly either of the following topological spaces with at most two boundary elements (ends):