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In Stargate SG-1, a television series based upon the 1994 science fiction movie Stargate, Chulak is a planet.

It is Jaffas' homeworld. The land is filled with big forests and alluvial hillsides. The planet orbits a binary star system.

The main city, also called Chulak, seems to come from the Roman civilization, according to its architecture.

This planet was previously used by the Goa'uld Apophis to choose human hosts. That's why the ceremony of implantation, called "Prin'ta", was very common. But thanks to SG-1, it's now free.

SG-1 sometimes comes back to Chulak to meet Bra'tac and Ry'ac. (respectively Teal'c's Master and son) Jaffa rebels are also potential allies to fight the Goa'uld System Lords.