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Cheryl Blossom

In the fictional Archie universe, Cheryl Blossom is the character re-introduced into Archie Andrews' life during the Archie's Love Showdown series.

During her Love Showdown series, Archie received a letter from Cheryl indicating she'd be returning to Riverdale. Archie, infatuated with girls as always, decides to keep Cheryl's return a secret from Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge. He merely acts in a typical Archie girl crush maneuver (looking dreamy, uttering nonsense).

Unknown to Archie, is that Betty and Veronica both think the other person did this to Archie, and declare war on each other to win back Archie once and for all. Super soakers, Dirty dancing, and fraud are just some of the tactics the girls use on each other

Cheryl does return to Riverdale, however, and leaves readers wondering who Archie is going to choose in the end.