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- Charibert I -
Charibert (c.517-567), king of the Franks, was the eldest son of Clotaire I and Ingund.

On Clotaire's death in 561, his estates were divided among his sons, Charibert receiving Paris as his capital, together with Rouen, Tours, Poitiers, Limoges, Bordeaux and Toulouse.

Besides his wife, Ingoberga, with whom he had a daughter, Berthe, or Aldeberge, (539-640), he had unions with Merofleda, a wool-carder's daughter, and Theodogilda, the daughter of a neatherd (cowherd). Though Charibert was eloquent and learned in the law, he was one of the most dissolute of the Merovingian kings, his early death in 567 being brought on by his excesses.

At his death his brothers Guntram, Sigebert I, and Chilperic I shared his realm.

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