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Bycanistes (older name Ceratogymna) is a genus of the Bucerotidae Family (hornbills). species included in the genus are:

Silverycheeked HornbillBycanistes brevis – Large sized bird, with length between 75 to 80 cm, characterized by a very large creamy casque on the beak, smaller in females. The head is silver-grey and the rest of the plumage is black, except for a broad white stripe in the back. The Silverycheeked hornbills are uncommon localized residents of the tall evergreen forests of eastern Africa, from Ethiopia to South Africa. In Zimbabwe they are threatened by habitat destruction. Usually they live in pairs and sometimes roost in flocks of hundreds of individuals. This hornbill feeds on fruits, insects, other birds eggs and centipedes. They breed in Spring (September and October) and lay clutches of 1 to 3 white eggs, hatched for 40 days. The young remain with both parents for circa 80 days.

Trumpeter HornbillBycanistes bucinator – Medium sized bird, with length between 58 to 65 cm, characterized by a large grey casque on the bill, smaller in females. The eyes are brown or red, with pink surrounding skin. They are similar to Silverycheeked hornbills. Distinguishing features include an all-black back, white belly and white underwing coverts (in flight, wings present white tips), and red facial skin. The Trumpeter hornbill is a gregarious bird, living in flocks of 2 to 5 individuals, sometimes up to 50. This hornbill is a locally common resident of the evergreen, coastal forests of Mozambique, Botswana, Congo, Kenya, the Caprivi strip of Namibia and eastern South Africa, where it feeds on fruits and large insects. Like other hornbills, the females incubate 4 to 5 white eggs, while sealed in the nest compartment.

Other Species (biology) included in the genus are:

References: Gordon Lindsay Maclean - Robert's Birds of South Africa, 6th Edition