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Baator (fictional land)

In Dungeons & Dragons Baator is the Nine Hells. In the Planescape setting, Baator is where people of Lawful Evil alignment are reborn as petitioners after death.

Baator consists of following layers:

  1. Avernus
  2. Dis
  3. Minaurus
  4. Phleghetos
  5. Stygia
  6. Malbolge
  7. Maladomini
  8. Cania
  9. Nessus

The layers of Baator are configured as a descending cone, with each layer successively lower than the one before it. This is an example of an interesting phenomenon in the Planescape universe, where evil tends to sink and good tends to rise. See Mount Celestia.

Baator seems to be based upon the Hell described in Dante's The Divine Comedy.

See also: Planescape

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