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Argentine peso

The argentine peso is the currency of Argentina. The symbol used locally for it is the $ (the US dollar is written US$). It is divided in 100 centavos. It exists in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. Coins of 1, .50, .25, .10, .05, .01 exist.

As of December 2003, a US dollar is worth approximately 3 pesos. A Euro is worth 3.50 pesos.

Denomination ($)PortraitMain ColourNot sized sample
1†Carlos PellegriniFormerlyBlueNow in coin
2Bartolomé MitreLight Blue
5José de San MartínGreen
10Manuel BelgranoBrown
20Juan Manuel de RosasRed
50Domingo Faustino SarmientoBlack
100Julio Argentino RocaViolet
Not anymore in bills, but in coins circulation.