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Worshipful Company of Fishmongers

The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The organisation probably existed earlier, but it received its first Royal Charter in the thirteenth Century. The organisation became the Stock Fishmongers' Company due to a Charter issued in 1508. Then, in 1537, it combined with the Salt Fishmongers' Company into the Company of the present name.

The Company acquired a monopoly over the sale of fish in the City of London early in its existence. Today, the monopoly is no longer absolute, but all fish sold within the City must first pass an inspection carried out by the Company. Thus, the Company retains a connection to its original task, unlike several other Livery Companies, which remain as charitable or ceremonial institutions.

The Company ranks fourth in the order of precedence of Livery Companies, making it one of the "Great Twelve City Livery Companies". The Company's motto is All Worship Be To God Only.

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