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World Federation of Trade Unions

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is composed of associated and affiliated trade unions representing the collective interests of about 130 million workers from 120 countries worldwide. The WFTU therefore proclaims its prime objective is to contribute to the emancipation of the working people by means of struggle: for full and adequate social security legislation to protect workers and their families in the event of sickness and old age, and every other type of assistance and social security; The WFTU seeks to realize the aforementioned objectives by organizing and coordinating international solidarity actions; disseminating information; organizing seminars and conferences; assisting in capacity building; conducting research and training activities; and representing its union affiliates in international and inter-governmental institutions.

As part of its efforts to advance its international agenda, the WFTU develops working partnerships with national and industrial trade unions worldwide as well as with a number of international and regional trade union organizations including the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU), the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU), the Permanent Congress of Trade Union Unity of Latin America (CPUSTAL), the General Federation of Trade Unions of CIS.

The WFTU holds consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the ILO, UNESCO, FAO, and other UN agencies. It maintains permanent missions in New York, Geneva, and Rome.

The following Trade Unions Internationals are constituted within the WFTU: