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Western Wood-Pewee

Western Wood-Pewee
Scientific Classification
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Tyrannidae
Binomial name
Contopus sordidulus

The Western Wood-Pewee, Contopus sordidulus, is a small Tyrant flycatcher.

Adults are grey-olive on the upperparts with light underparts, washed with olive on the breast. They have two wing bars and a dark bill. This bird is very similar in appearance to the Eastern Wood-Pewee; the two birds were formerly considered to be one species.

Their breeding habitat is open wooded areas in western North America. They make an open cup nest on a horizontal tree branch.

These birds migrate to South America.

They wait on a perch at a middle height in a tree and fly out to catch insects in flight, sometimes hovering to pick insects from vegetation.

The call is a loud clear peeer.